Somatic Side of Shame™
The Somatic Side of Shame™ (SSS) is an intensive training workshop designed to help clinicians increase their knowledge on how Shame exposes itself in the body, the nervous system and in the persons overall view of themselves. Shame is an emotions, just like other emotions and can have its good outcomes and its unpleasant outcomes. We explore both, including how to get from the unpleasant and at times debilitating shame to the shame that helps us become more contained, humbled and takes the feeling of embarrassment as a learning experience and not as a feeling of worthlessness.
SSS looks at both the development of healthy shame and the crippling shame that gives people an overwhelming sense of worthlessness, I’m not good enough, I don’t matter, I’m nothing, I don’t belong and more. SSS explores how the crippling shame produces an implosion of the body, and how the interactive cycle of shame continues to circle around and become confined within the nervous system until it is disrupted and finds a way through. SSS shows how the inescapability of the cycle of shame is in and of itself a traumatic series of events that become bound up within the nervous system, ultimately causing what we see in our clients as being engulfed by crippling shame and react as if the threat was present. Often times from that Fight, Flight, Freeze reactions. This cycle as we know it causes the immobility and continued repetition of intense emotions, behaviors that are harmful to the self and others, dysregulation within the body and distortions in the thinking.
SSS intensive training shows clinicians how utilizing body based, somatic, and specific experiential techniques can have a healing effect, and can reduce and dissipate the crippling shame that is held in the body. Ultimately allowing for the nervous system to come back to homeostasis and the individual to come to their true self before the crippling shame existed.
Participant Requirements:
Qualifications include at least a master’s in a clinical therapy or educational profession, certification/state licenses, and present employment in counseling services or private practice. Completion of at least the Beginning 1 module of the Somatic Experiencing training OR its equivalent Somatic psychotherapies. Although this workshop is designed for the practitioner to experience the process through experiential work and practice, it is recommended that you have done some of your own recovery and trauma healing.
Workshop Information:
CEU information: 18-Continuing education credits are available. In order to obtain a certificate of completion, you must attend the workshop in its entirety. No partial credit will be given. No exceptions. GCCS follows guidelines for CEU provider for the Texas State Board of Social Workers Examiners and the Texas State Board of Examiners of Professional Counselors.
Workshop Cost: $650 per person. $20.00 additional fee, if you are wanting CEU credits.
The training is 3 consecutive days, Thursday-Saturday 9:30am-5:30pm (CST). Students will be invited to a 2 hour coaching component after the training.
Location: Houston Texas, venue GCCS Event room.
Cancellation Policy: For a full refund a written cancellation notice must be received 30 days prior to the training. Cancellations received less than 30 days prior will be refunded less $300 cancellation fee. No refunds will be given on or after the workshop date.
Call or email to register or if you have any questions: (713) 660-0776 |