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Living Life, Claiming Your Voice. A Family of Origin Intensive Workshop


NOTE: Once registered the GCCS staff will reach out to you to complete necessary initial paperwork needed for the processing and experiential work of the workshop. This will be due 2 weeks before the workshop date to give time for review. Prerequisite is to read “Facing Codependence” by Pia Mellody.


Workshop Description

That which we do not heal from childhood we replay in adulthood. 

This workshop is a 3 day intensive that investigates the origins of adult dysfunctional behaviors. In this revolutionary educational and experiential workshop participants learn to identify the childhood wounds which create adult dysfunction, i.e., depression, anxiety, addictions, eating disorders and relationship difficulties. The primary focus of the workshop is to heal the trauma, learn to deal with the emotions that accompany any less-than-nurturing past event, and work on resolution of the consequential distress that impacts our lives. The workshop is based on the groundbreaking work of Pia Mellody and utilizes her treatment model (Post Induction Therapy). Pia Mellody is the author of Facing Codependence, Love addiction and The Intimacy Factor, and is a pioneer in the treatment of childhood trauma, codependence, and addiction.

This intensive workshop includes the following phases:
Getting the Story Straight Phase: In the first phase, participants are introduced to the concept of boundaries, specifically focusing on the effects that childhood boundary violations have on adult behaviors. Participants will begin to understand the relationship between the child and the adult, as perceived by the child, without placing blame on parents or significant caregivers.
Witness to Your Reality Phase: During the second phase, participants will explore the less-than-nurturing and/or abusive recollected childhood experiences with a focus on the associated feelings.
Find Your Voice, Living Your Life Phase: In the third phase, participants will be guided by the therapist to reexamine their childhood relationships in a safe and nurturing environment through the application of Pia Mellody’s techniques for addressing childhood relational trauma issues. This phase typically serves to release painful emotions, with participants beginning the process of reclaiming their rights and personal power.
Ongoing Recovery and Empowerment Strategies : Participants will receive a set of strategies, tools, and resources to use on a daily basis for their self empowerment and healing.
Due to the intensive nature of the work, the workshop is limited to 3 participants. Early registration is encouraged. All workshops are for 3 consecutive days from 9:30am-6:00pm. Workshop rate is $1800.00. A nonrefundable deposit of $600.00 is required at time of reservation. Balance is due two weeks prior to the workshop. In the event you need to cancel, the workshop balance will be refunded ONLY if notice is received 4 or more days before the workshop begins. Call 713-660-0776 or email: for any questions.

NOTE: Once registered the GCCS staff will reach out to you to complete necessary initial paperwork needed for the processing and experiential work of the workshop. This will be due 2 weeks before the workshop date to give time for review. Prerequisite is to read “Facing Codependence” by Pia Mellody.

Location: Houston, Texas
Number of Days: 3 Consecutive Days
2025 Dates

March 27-29, 2025, May 15-17, 2025, June 5-7, 2025